19. Appendix: System Setup

19.1. Serial Console Access

As most current development machines don’t have serial ports, the usual setup is to use a USB-Serial-Converter. Some evaluation boards have such a converter on board. After connecting, these usually show up on your host as /dev/ttyUSB# or /dev/ttyACM# (check dmesg to find out).

On Debian systems, the device node will be accessible to the dialout group, so adding your user to that group (adduser <user> dialout) removes the need for root privileges.

19.1.1. Using the “screen” program

The terminal manager screen can also be used as a simple terminal emulator:

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

To exit from screen, press <CTRL-A> <K> <y>.

19.1.2. Using the “microcom” program

A good alternative terminal program is microcom. On Debian it can be installed with apt-get install microcom, on other distributions it can be installed from source:


Usage is simple:

microcom -p /dev/ttyUSB0

19.2. Network Access

Having network connectivity between your host and your target will save you a lot of time otherwise spent on writing SD cards or using JTAG. The main protocols used with barebox are DHCP, TFTP and NFS.

19.2.1. Configuration of dnsmasq for DHCP and TFTP

The dnsmasq program can be configured as a DHCP and TFTP server in addition to its original DNS functionality:

sudo ip addr add dev <interface>
sudo ip link set <interface> up
sudo /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --interface=<interface> --no-daemon --log-queries \
  --enable-tftp --tftp-root=<absolute-path-to-your-images>/ \

19.2.2. Configuration of a TFTP Server

19.2.3. Configuration of a BOOTP / DHCP Server

19.2.4. Configuring a NFS Server