18. Booting Linux

18.1. Introduction

The basic boot command in barebox is bootm (boot an application image). This command can be used directly, but there is also a boot - boot from script, device, ... command which offers additional features like a boot sequence which tries to boot different entries until one succeeds.

18.2. The bootm command

The bootm (boot an application image) command is the basic boot command. Depending on the architecture the bootm command handles different image types. On ARM the following images are supported:

  • ARM Linux zImage
  • U-Boot uImage
  • barebox images

The images can either be passed directly to the bootm command as argument or in the global.bootm.image variable:

bootm /path/to/zImage

# same as:


When barebox has an internal devicetree it is passed to the kernel. You can specify an alternative devicetree with the -o DTS option or the global.bootm.oftree variable:

bootm -o /path/to/dtb /path/to/zImage

# same as:


NOTE: it may happen that barebox is probed from the devicetree, but you have want to start a Kernel without passing a devicetree. In this case call oftree -f to free the internal devicetree before calling bootm

18.2.1. Passing Kernel Arguments

Depending on the barebox configuration (CONFIG_FLEXIBLE_BOOTARGS) there are to ways to pass bootargs to the Kernel. With CONFIG_FLEXIBLE_BOOTARGS disabled the bootm command takes the bootargs from the bootargs environment variable. With CONFIG_FLEXIBLE_BOOTARGS enabled the bootargs are composed from different The global device variables. All variables beginning with global.bootargs. will be concatenated to the bootargs:

global linux.bootargs.base="console=ttyO0,115200"
global linux.bootargs.debug="earlyprintk ignore_loglevel"

bootm zImage


Kernel command line: console=ttymxc0,115200n8 earlyprintk ignore_loglevel

Additionally all variables starting with global.linux.mtdparts. are concatenated to a mtdparts= parameter to the kernel. This makes it possible to consistently partition devices with the addpart - add a partition description to a device command and pass the same string as used with addpart to the Kernel:


global linux.mtdparts.nor0="physmap-flash.0:$norparts"
global linux.mtdparts.nand0="mxc_nand:$nandparts"

addpart /dev/nor0 $norparts
addpart /dev/nand0 $nandparts


bootm zImage


Kernel command line: mtdparts=physmap-flash.0:512k(bootloader),512k(env),4M(kernel),-(root);

18.3. The boot command

The boot - boot from script, device, ... command offers additional convenience for the bootm (boot an application image) command. It works with Boot entries and Bootloader Spec entries. Boot entries are located under /env/boot/ and are scripts which setup the bootm variables so that the boot command can run bootm without further arguments.

18.3.1. Boot entries

A simple boot entry in /env/boot/mmc could look like this:



global linux.bootargs.dyn.root="root=PARTUUID=deadbeef:01"

This takes the kernel from /mnt/mmc1/zImage (which could be an Automount path registered earlier). The devicetree will be used from /env/oftree. The Kernel gets the command line root=PARTUUID=deadbeef:01. Note the .dyn in the bootargs variable name. boot entries should always add Kernel command line parameters to variables with .dyn in it. These will be cleared before booting different boot entries. This is done so that following boot entries do not leak command line parameters from the previous boot entries.

This entry can be booted with boot mmc. It can also be made the default by setting the global.boot.default variable to mmc and then calling boot without arguments.

18.3.2. Bootloader Spec

barebox supports booting according to the bootloader spec:


It follows another philosophy than the Boot entries. With Boot Entries booting is completely configured in the bootloader. Bootloader Spec Entries on the other hand the boot entries are on a boot medium. This gives a boot medium the possibility to describe where a Kernel is and what parameters it needs.

All Bootloader Spec Entries are in a partition on the boot medium under /loader/entries/*.conf. In the Bootloader Spec a boot medium has a dedicated partition to use for boot entries. barebox is less strict, it accepts Bootloader Spec Entries on every partition barebox can read.

A Bootloader Spec Entry consists of key value pairs:


title      Fedora 19 (Rawhide)
version    3.8.0-2.fc19.x86_64
machine-id 6a9857a393724b7a981ebb5b8495b9ea
options    root=UUID=6d3376e4-fc93-4509-95ec-a21d68011da2
linux      /6a9857a393724b7a981ebb5b8495b9ea/3.8.0-2.fc19.x86_64/linux
initrd     /6a9857a393724b7a981ebb5b8495b9ea/3.8.0-2.fc19.x86_64/initrd

All pathes are absolute pathes in the partition. Bootloader Spec Entries can be created manually, but there also is the scripts/kernel-install tool to create/list/modify entries directly on a MMC/SD card or other media. To use it create a SD card / USB memory stick with a /boot partition with type 0xea. The partition can be formatted with FAT or EXT4 filesystem. If you wish to write to it from barebox later you must use FAT. The following creates a Bootloader Spec Entry on a SD card:

scripts/kernel-install --device=/dev/mmcblk0 -a \
              --machine-id=11ab7c89d02c4f66a4e2474ea25b2b84 --kernel-version="3.15" \
              --kernel=/home/sha/linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage --add-root-option \
              --root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 -o "console=ttymxc0,115200"

The entry can be listed with the -l option:

scripts/kernel-install --device=/dev/mmcblk0 -l

Entry 0:
      title:      Linux-3.15
      version:    3.15
      machine_id: 11ab7c89d02c4f66a4e2474ea25b2b84
      options:    console=ttymxc0,115200 root=PARTUUID=0007CB20-01
      linux:      11ab7c89d02c4f66a4e2474ea25b2b84.15/linux

When on barebox the SD card shows up as mmc then this entry can be booted with boot mmc1 or with setting global.boot.default to mmc1.

18.4. Network boot

With the following steps barebox can start the Kernel and root filesystem over network, a standard development case.

Configure network: edit /env/network/eth0. For a standard dhcp setup the following is enough:



serverip is only necessary if it differs from the serverip offered from the dhcp server. A static ip setup can look like this:



Note that barebox will pass the same ip settings to the kernel, i.e. it passes ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gateway:$netmask::eth0: for a static ip setup and ip=dhcp for a dynamic dhcp setup.

Adjust global.user and maybe global.hostname in /env/config:


Copy the kernel (and devicetree if needed) to the base dir of the TFTP server:

cp zImage /tftpboot/sha-linux-efikasb
cp myboard.dtb /tftpboot/sha-oftree-efikasb

barebox will pass nfsroot=/home/${global.user}/nfsroot/${global.hostname} This may be a link to another location on the NFS server. Make sure that the link target is exported from the server.

boot net will then start the Kernel.

If the pathes or names are not suitable they can be adjusted in /env/boot/net:




if [ -f "${oftree}" ]; then

global.linux.bootargs.dyn.root="root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$nfsroot,v3,tcp"